To be fair, I will clarify the picture more… Click. Other then that I still have searched out ways to show how as a society we need more money for schools.
Government Graphs Budget for School
Wow what do you do? I was coming back from the hospital today and I found this little event in my new area. It sort of sucks here because of the cold but we got awesome pictures from the doc.
First of all the sign in the picture are representing a union, secondly, I think the guys standing in the picture where hired to stand there, I got a brochure and it was sort of only bashing a couple of small companies who I wont help slander by naming. Guess when I stopped I was searching for ways to show how there is not enough money for school.
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More money for schools in the state of Utah is what is most important to me; even though there should be more money for schools in every state throughout America. Everyone who cares about this stuff may already agree with me about how there should be more money for schools; so I guess this is just my way of protesting.
I know that there needs to be more money for schools in Utah and at first I was not sure of what I could do. I felt like any good organized effort could only help to sway people to vote for one guy or the other but we still are paying for these people to not have enough money to do anything. I believe its vital for our country to either earn more money for schools or use less money on other things.
We need to find out what we need for our children to succeed in school and meat that need no matter the cost.
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